
danieleday avatar image
danieleday asked

Multiplus bypass/isolation wiring

Hullo out there. I am building a system for my camper van with a Multiplus 24/3000, using a shore power input. I see the manual recommends a bypass circuit for the case of a Multiplus failure. In all the threads I can find here, the recommendation is to install a 2 position, 2 pole switch for the shore power to feed either the inverter or the AC panel. However, that does not isolate the Multiplus- the AC2 out is still connected to the AC panel and thus is live. Does anyone have a suggestion for a switch that isolates the output as well as the input, for both line and neutral? I can do this with two switches but would prefer simultaneous action to prevent potentially deadly mistakes when servicing.

I am in Canada, so 120V/30A operation.



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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

You should be able to find a 4 pole switch or if needed a higher number of poles - that will do it or a 4 pole contactor -

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

You need to switch the wire to the AC panel between the output of the Multi and the grid.
You have to switch L and N!


I made drawing a while ago (maybe for a Phoenix). In that drawing there is a contractor to switch automatically but you can also use a "normal" switch like a Hager SFB216.

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