
alexandervich avatar image
alexandervich asked

LGChem RESU 6.4 - SOC only reaches 94%

System is LGChem RESU 6.4EX, Victron MultiPLus 48/3000/35-16

Settings are:

Charge Voltage Limit 58.1V

Charge Current Limit 110 A

The SOC never exceeds 94% - does this mean that it is full but the monitor is inaccurate? I note that the LGChem RESU is never charged to 100% but limited to 97-98% by LG. However I am getting 94%.

Note that I recall the installer tweaking the CVL up a little to try and get it to reach a higher SOC.

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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

How are you measuring SOC?

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alexandervich avatar image alexandervich commented ·
The SOC I mentioned is that reported by the VRM. So clearly I don't know the actual SOC.

Also I note that the Battery State of Health is reporting as 90%. Don't know if that is meaningful either!

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alexandervich avatar image alexandervich commented ·

So if the state of health is truly 90% and I cycle the battery once a day between 15% SOC and 94% SOC (the maximum it gives me) then in theory I get 6.4*0.9*0.79 = 4.5kWh. However, the Multiplus consumes power to invert. I reckon it uses around 250W, if discharging at maximum rate, then 2 hours to discharge and 0.5kWh. Hence I should get around 4kWh out of the battery. In fact I am getting between 3.5 and 3.9kWh each day according to VRM. So I guess I am not far off - it all depends on whether my duty cycle is 94% to 15% or whether the SOC values are unreliable. It feels that I am a little low.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

I think you have found the limitations of SOC estimates. Shunt based will give more accurate info.

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