
sascha71 avatar image
sascha71 asked

Multiplus 2 24/3000 70 dead


Just purchased my multiplus 2 a week ago . Hooked it up to my 24/200 Lifepo4 , updated to firmware 490 and configured the charger to load the bank. Everything fine and worked as it should . 2 days ago I changed the charging current to 3a and than to 10a in order for the Lifepo4 to balance ( bms/balancer) , all fine . Yesterday while charging, I had to turn off . When I came back, turned on the Multiplus , nothing , dead. I checked, battery , 230ac in and the internal fuse - all ok. Than I tried to link the multiplus over the mk3 - told me that it was off, without displaying any readings and with the comment that the software was not completely supported by Victron ? Wile turning on/ off on the multi, the led lid up , one additional for every on/off until all led where lid up……. That state I can repeat when the multi is hooked up to 24v …

Does anybody have good advice other than taking it back to the seller?




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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

How did you upgrade the Fw ??? anyway try the below

download the firmware for your unit from the victron professional site then -with a MK3 (VE.BUS to USB unit) reinstall the firmware by using VEflash - this will reset the multi back to factory default settings. (I suspect that it will then operate correctly)

then make sure that it works in a standalone mode - without any adjustments . Then resetup as needed

the firmware is the number on the main boards Chip the first 4 digits have to match the firmware you download. ie 26??490 presuming this is a 220V inverter/charger

Also as a side comment the AC wires are way to small for a 3000VA inverter

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sascha71 avatar image
sascha71 answered ·

Hello Paul,

With Victron connect.
thank you for the information. Multi is working again, I managed to update, with support if my local seller, with firmware 490 again, which I assume, reset the multi.
yes, 2611490 if I remember correctly, was displayed briefly before updating, there are no labels inside/outside of the unit.
i will download VEflash just in case, hopefully not for a next insistence.
just don't understand how that was possible since the multi was working fine and after shut down , without any manipulation inbetween, got into a software failure.

Anyway , thank you for the support.

p.s. this is a test Setup for a RV configuration. I am pushing/pulling max ac<6a (230V) .

Thx again

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