
Michael Ziegler avatar image
Michael Ziegler asked

New Iphone 13Pro will not pair

I see lots of questions on this ...and it would be nice to have a summary of a fix for the issue.

I have summarized from the various posts and know that there are 6 basic steps ( which have not resolved my problem)

1. Deleted all previously synced smart devices from the phone

2. Deleted the Victron Connect App

3. Hard Boot the iphone

4. Reloaded latest Victron App

5. In the App - all devices are displayed and are available to pair

6. Connect with the smart device (in the app) and it tries to sync and gets to the pairing mode (all of my devices us the default code: 000000) - I insert the code and it spins and then gives me "unable to pair" error with explanation telling me to do 1-5

Now here is where I get really confused with all the threads .....and PUK codes, can someone tell me what I can do to make this work?

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4 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Isn’t this a matter of forgotten pincode?

To reset it, follow the instructions in the manual:


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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Its called test and try different things - make sure the phone supports the devices Bluetooth "version" you are trying to connect to - as I dont know what you are connecting to I cant tell you the bluetooth version used in the device

Try a different phone and if that works then its not the device -

Bluetooth has many version

the PUK code is only really used to reset the password if its been changed from 6 zeros to some other number that you cant remember.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

Guy, there are quite a few threads on this, is there any way of getting a definitive statement and pinning it to avoid further confusion?

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Nickus de Vos avatar image
Nickus de Vos answered ·

A few days ago I helped a friend install 2 Smartsolar 75/15 controllers.

He couldn't get the first one to connect to his phone, (Samsung Galaxy one of the latest models) it showed up, it pared, he entered the default pin but after that nothing. Then we tried my phone (iPhone XR) and it connected just fine, updated the controller to the latest firmware and then he could connect to it with his phone.

With the second controller he could connect using his Samsung the first time no problem even though it was on the same firmware.

Weird but it is what it is I guess.

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