I am planning to have my Victron system with the capability to run in cases of grid failures also with a generator. Like most generators it has some boundary conditions, like its only supposed to run for 6 hours and then cool for about 1-2h before restarting.
Is there a way to have that conifgurable on a GX?
Basic idea would be to define a maximum runtime followed by a cooling pause time. There can possibily somthing be done with quite times, but that seems to be a workaround for me, as its not ideal, so to say, if the grid failes in a quite time and then you have to wait 1h for the genset to start or still do it manually.
On the same note:
Is it possible to stop the generator on low fuel? Like adding a tank sensor somehow to the generator and have it stop on empty tank condition? Basically one could also invest in an automatic re-fuel system from a bigger tank, but issue remains somewhat the same (big tank empty).
Sounds for me like a "Generator Health Assistant", like the assissant which takes care about optimal battery usage.