
sesshoumaru avatar image
sesshoumaru asked

Generator handling in ESS mode (runtime)

I am planning to have my Victron system with the capability to run in cases of grid failures also with a generator. Like most generators it has some boundary conditions, like its only supposed to run for 6 hours and then cool for about 1-2h before restarting.

Is there a way to have that conifgurable on a GX?
Basic idea would be to define a maximum runtime followed by a cooling pause time. There can possibily somthing be done with quite times, but that seems to be a workaround for me, as its not ideal, so to say, if the grid failes in a quite time and then you have to wait 1h for the genset to start or still do it manually.

On the same note:
Is it possible to stop the generator on low fuel? Like adding a tank sensor somehow to the generator and have it stop on empty tank condition? Basically one could also invest in an automatic re-fuel system from a bigger tank, but issue remains somewhat the same (big tank empty).

Sounds for me like a "Generator Health Assistant", like the assissant which takes care about optimal battery usage.

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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

From the ESS manual:

Can I use ESS with a generator?

A: Yes you can. Note that the only installation type where that makes sense is a land based installation (no boat, and no vehicle). A Quattro must be used with AC input 1 connected to the generator, and AC input 2 connected to the grid. The role of the generator will be to provide power during a long grid failure.

Some, bigger or better quality generators, will be able to work with LOM Type B. For other less stable generators it will be required to disable LOM entirely. In that case make the installation such that it is still safe: no simple extensions cords, use enclosed wiring cabinets with warnings on the outside and/or an external ENS.

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sesshoumaru avatar image sesshoumaru commented ·
That is principally works is understood.

However, what conditions for start/stop are available? There is literaly no generator out there which can run 24/7 - so there needs to be a way for a max-runtime then followed by mandatory cooldown. And of cause stop no low fuel. Or am I to naive here?

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