Is it possible that the charging efficiency is much higher with low charging currents than at high charging currents? My smartshuunt has set a charging efficiency of 95%. But when in abs phase, and the tail current is> 2% (index of about 99% soc), my smartshunt always indicates a 95/97% soc. It means that it slightly underestimates the soc and that the actual charging efficiency is higher. I always charge with a current of around 2 to 8 amps. And my average dod is 15/20%. Is it possible that the charging efficiency in these conditions is very high? I add that the smartshuunt already loses about 10% of efficiency as it is designed. In fact it counts the AH in discharging and recharging but not the WH. This means that the AH in discharge are at 12.x v. While the AH in charging are at 13.x-14.x volts. This already means a 10% intrinsic inefficiency, in the way of counting the smartshuunt, regardless of the settings we make.