I have a Lynx distributor. I feed it with 5V with the RJ connector. For several months the LEDs were working properly (green). But for days I have had an error and I have not changed anything (except some firmware of the MPPT, battery protect), the fuses are good but they have lit red. I have done all kinds of tests, I have disconnected all the systems, but I cannot find where the problem is. I have replaced the 24v battery with a 12v one (isolated, without Cerbo, MPPT, Multi) to test and it works, the led turns green. But when I install the 24V battery, all the LEDs light up red.
After several days of testing I have updated the firmware of the Cerbo and Multiplus and now the LEDs light up orange. Does anyone know what is going on? Can I update the firmware at the distributor?