
craig-westlake avatar image
craig-westlake asked

Multiplus-II 3k front panel LED's

I have a Multiplus II 3KVA installed in yacht - around 6 months old.

The front LED's have never worked. The rest of the inverter works as expected. As we are liveaboards and therefore reliant on unit for daily living, along with the inverter not being in an easy location to remove so it can be to returned to dealer, I am reaching out to explore all options first.

I took the opportunity to remove the front cover and noticed that the ribbon cable for the LED panel was not connected. I noticed another thread here with a similar connection issue.

When connected to the appropriate header, the inverter immediately shows an overload indication and does not function. When removed the overload indication goes away and the inverter functions normally.

Any thoughts? My feeling it is a faulty indicator board or ribbon cable.

Can I obtain a replacement indicator board and cable somewhere (I don't mind if that needs to be purchased - is it something my dealer can procure as a spare part?) to try replacing before resorting to removing Inverter and returning to dealer and obvious period without power that will involve?

Hope someone can give some advice.


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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

You really have to take it back or just live with it.

you could say buy a cerbo and a screen and have remote monitoring etc then you would not need the lights, Just a thought. yes I know its not a fix but you maybe going to do this anyway.

or you could install a remote on off panel as that panel has lights.

other than that its a return for repair. Sorry I dont have any other suggestions.

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craig-westlake avatar image craig-westlake commented ·
Thanks - I do have remote monitoring so it is workable.
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Related Resources

MultiPlus-II Product page 

MultiPlus-II Manual

Multiplus-II GX Online Manual

MultiPlus-II 230V Datasheet 

VE.Bus Error codes

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

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