I have a camper van setup, with dual AGM vehicle batteries charged by high power alternators, and a separate house battery bank, which I also wish to charge from the vehicle alternators from time to time. I am trying to use a Phoenix 12/1200 to take the vehicle alternator power (Transit high power 250A dual alternator) to 120v to drive a Multiplus 12/3000 as "shore power" to charge the 4x100Ah Battleborn LiFePO house batteries. I was hoping for 7.5A of 120V from about 85A of DC input, but I cannot get anywhere close to that.
In testing, just driving a resistive electric convection heater, it will drive 500W, but in the 900W setting it goes into "overload" immediately. Even at 500W, it gets to thermal shutdown (two flashes on the red LED) after a couple of minutes - this with the inverter flat on the van floor in open space at 40F ambient.
In using the Phoenix to drive the Muiltiplus shore power 120V input, I can only get 3.5A x 120V reliably; at 4A x 120V the Phoenix goes into thermal shutdown after about 30 seconds, and at 7.5A it shuts down immediately in overload. I have of course verified that shore power from a household 15A or 30A outlet, or a campground 15A, drives the Multiplus just fine as expected.
Is the power factor of the Multiplus input so offset that the Phoenix is never going to work?
Why is the Phoenix going into thermal shutdown with a 500W resistive load (PF1.0, I assume)?
Is there a different model that might work to get me to the 7.5A x 120V lowest setting for the Multiplus charger input?
Does it help to use Multiplus "Dynamic Current Limit" and/or "Weak AC" settings?