
eliott avatar image
eliott asked

GX Touch - disabling touch


I want to put the GX Touch on a rental boat and would only like to show one of the pages without the user being able to change the screens.

Does anyone know how to turn off the touch in shell or what extension cable to use that is definitely not compatible with the i2c touch communication?


gx device
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jeroen avatar image jeroen ♦ commented ·
What do you mean with touch in shell? How to disable it from the command line?
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Matthias Voß avatar image Matthias Voß commented ·
I have a second 10 inch display in operation with a simple HDMI Y connector. In this one, the touch does not work. The only mistake so far is that the original display temporarily changes in the display and the lower lines for operation can no longer be reached. After a restart, it is properly adjusted again. On the boat, however, this display would not be water resistant.
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4 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

This is a work around - get a short extension usb cable - there is pos and neg and 2 data wires cut the data wires in a extension cable. ( and then the mouse /touch wont wark ant more, it will still work on a remote connect - but not on the local display-

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eliott avatar image eliott commented ·
hi! Thanks, are you sure? According to the document the usb for the touch only supplies the power and the communication is i2c over hdmi. So I think a special hdmi extension is needed that is off specification enough to ignore i2c or doing it in the box by disabling some service
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Paul B avatar image Paul B eliott commented ·
No I am not 100% sure but its easy to do so give it a try and advise either way please
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Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ eliott commented ·
Hi @eliott this indeed doesn't work, USB is only used for power to the screen. touch is through the HDMI cable.

unfortunately there is no way to switch off touch.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

You could connect any other HDMI display without touchscreen.

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eliott avatar image eliott commented ·

This also crossed my mind, thanks for the suggestion. My concern is i don't know if the display brightness would work. If that is a HDMI spec thing or a special implementation. In case of of monitors you set than on the monitor itself. I need to try one probably. thanks

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wjf avatar image wjf commented ·
@Matthias Lange - DE Does this mean that you can choose what screen you want to display on the non-touch screen, or will this just show the main dashboard screen??

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ wjf commented ·
@WJF The HDMI output allways shows the same as the remote console.
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wjf avatar image wjf Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

HDMI displays won't dim but will probably go black with the screen saver. Some will power down the backlight and present a completely dark image. Others will not power down the backlight and will therefore still glow with the black screen.

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karl-t avatar image
karl-t answered ·

Hi @eliott were you able to find a way to do it with the GX Touch ? I am having the same issue here. Thanks for your help

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
This is now built into Venus OS. I think it was added as part of v3.00. You need to program one of the digital inputs for touch enable/disable. It's a toggle function: close the input and the touch will be enabled if it is disabled, or will be disabled if it is enabled.
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