
aph avatar image
aph asked

RCD Test fails when connected to shore power

Hi all,

I have a Multiplus compact 12/1600/70 installed in my camper van.
There is in RCD and fuse right after shore power entrance which is wired to the fridge and the Multiplus input. Another RCD is mounted behind the Multiplus responsible for the power outlets in the van.
If shore power is disconnected the RCD is triggered correctly by test device as well as RCD self triggering test and also the test device readings are as the should be.
As soon as the Multiplus gets connected to shore power and starts inverting the readings of the test device get screwed and neither one of the RCDS can be triggered by the testdevice. The RCD self triggering test works for the RCD on the shore side, but not on the inverter side.
Any ideas what might be wrong here?

Test without shore power on inverter


Test with shore power connected


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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

You have to take a closer look at the shore power supply, I think the "problem" is there.

(No or a bad PE connection maybe)

With shore power connected the MultiPlus will it just passthrough, so the problem has nothing to do with the MultiPlus.

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aph avatar image aph commented ·
Ok, will check. Thx for the fast reply.
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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Is the fridge only connected to shore power, or is there a bridge between it and the multiplus output so it can run on inverter and shore? If this is the case, there shouldn't be. The fridge should be on the output side of the multiplus.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Looking at it again, as well as following Matthais' suggestion, check line and neutral aren't reversed.
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aph avatar image aph kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Hi kevgermany,

der Kühlschrank ist nur mit dem Landstrom verbunden, d.h. kann nur auf shore laufen.

Ich prüfe die Zuleitung des Lanstromanschluß sobald ich wieder an der Halle bin.

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