
josepgom avatar image
josepgom asked

Factor 1 Rule - Clarification


I currently have a 10KW Fronious 3 phase PV connected in my house, and I'm looking to add a battery bank and 3 x Multiplus 2s.

Although I have about 13.2KW of solar panels, due to the layout on my roof, my PV inverter generated power is always less than 7KW, absolutely never more than 9KW. The layout and quantity of solar panels are configured to provide a lower peak power, across a longer period of the day.

My question is if ok to use 3 x 3KW Multiplus 2 per phase (Total 9KW), rather than 3 x 5KW Multiplus 2s, and still meet the Factor 1 Rule requirement?

From what I can determine, the answer is yes, since the PV power per phase will always be less than 3KW, phases balanced.

Can someone kindly confirm/advise?


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3 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

you should be able to limit your Fronious 3 phase to a MAX output of 9Kw and then you would be ok.

otherwise there is always a risk of going over the 1 - 1 rule if you dont - and if this happens then you could damage the Multiplus II units. if you do not limit the Fronious 3 phase unit then the risk is up to you to take.

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josepgom avatar image josepgom commented ·
Hi Paul,

Thank you for the clarification, much obliged.

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Raul Ibañez avatar image
Raul Ibañez answered ·

Así es. Limitas el fronius a una potencia máxima de 9 la y te aseguras de que no sobrepasa esa potencia.

(Menú instalador del fronius)

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josepgom avatar image
josepgom answered ·

Hi Raul,

Meu espanhol nao e muito bom, mas eu comprendo, limitar a potencia maxima de 9KWs.



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