
voates avatar image
voates asked

Help please. Microwave sets off low battery alarm after 60 seconds.

1de1a595-9ff8-4dd9-ab98-d254c0843e3c.pngImage CaptionHi

Our setup is 2 x 100ah ReLion lithium batteries. We have a multiplus 2kw inverter. The microwave is badged at 600w. It draws max 1300w. After about 30-60 seconds of use the red low battery led flashes on the multi control panel. Here are some pics etc for info. I wondered if changing some of the parameters in the battery settings would help. We inherited this setup with the motorhome. Thanks



Lithium Battery
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2 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Sounds like your batteries are not fully charged,

or you have a lot of voltage drop in your cabling between the battery and inverter.

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amgrumpy avatar image
amgrumpy answered ·

Hi,a couple of things from screenshots,theres some settings to change re battery specs for better accuracy of battery monitoring,)this wont solve problem.)

Change discharge floor to 20pc for lithium not 50pc(agm spec)

Change peukert to 1.05

Change charge efficiency to 99pc

On to microwave theres a difference between badged cooking watts and power consumption watts as you've noticed.

Not knowing the batteries, lifepo4 are great however some things to know,not all when in parallel Will double the possible amp draw due to battery bms constraints as in your case you most likely wont get 200amps continuous or anything near that so 1300watts maybe causing bms grief seeing batteries are rated at 100amp continous.Youll be over 100 amps at 1300 watts. This is just my theory,the amp info is true tho.

Quick solution is hopefully the microwave has a micro power function, before using try adjusting this so instead of 1300watts it uses 800watts say,mine has bars on it 6 being full power if i use micro power button at 4 no low battery warning if at 6 i get same as you.Try turning other things off so microwave is all thats running.

Someone may confirm if settings can be changed on main unit to stop this,ie change low voltage alarm lower.I haven't bothered to look deeper into it as dropping the microwave power consumption worked,it just takes longer to heat food and no big deal if i suck a bit more capacity from lifepo4,i happily drain to 80pc.

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