ich noticed something with my ESS system last night. When the low SOC limit (5%) is reached, the battery does not go to idle and the loads are supplied by the grid, but the multis charge the batterys back up 2% then the loads are supplied by the battery againe. This behaviour repeated itself during the night.
This is not normal mith my system. I have never seen this before. The system behaves normal when the low SOC limit is 10%
I updated the system last week. Multi FW v481 -> 490, MPPT v3.02 -> v3.08, GX -> v2.73
All the setting stayed the same.
This is befor the update:
ESS 3-Phase
3x Multiplus II 5000
8x Pylontech US3000C
2x MPPT 250/100
1x Fronius Symon 15kw
Cerbo GX