
bob-delzellm-on avatar image
bob-delzellm-on asked

Orion Smart 12/12 use for multiple battery banks

Hello, I have an Orion Smart 12/12. The alternator charges the starter battery on my boat and my Lithium House Bank. I'm adding a Bow Thruster that requires a separate 2 AGM batteries. Can I connect the Smart 12/12 to both the house bank and the thrusters batteries for charging?

orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

But in general lithium/lead shouldn't be mixed. You may have a problem already with the starter/house setup.

Generally lithium needs different parameters. Starter and AGM should be ok. So more usual is starter plus bow thruster in one setup. Then add the lithium via the Orion and configure that with lithium parameters.

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bob-delzellm-on avatar image bob-delzellm-on commented ·

Thanks. The Lithium is the house bank and the lead is the starter. Currently the Inverter/Charger is only charging the lithium house base. What I'm wondering is if the AC-Out-2 can be used to charge the starter while the AC-Out-1 is charging the house bank.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

By AC out, I assume you mean Alternator DC out.


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