
hdp avatar image
hdp asked

Interconnect 2 separate off grid Victron 3phase systems 100m apart

I want to connect two existing systems together

System A:

3 x 15KVA Quattro

4 x 250/100 MPPT

2 x 30kWh Freedom Won Lithium

1 x 45KVA Generator

System B:

3 x 10KVA Quattro

2 x 250/100 MPPT

2 x 15kWh Freedom Won Lithium

1 x 30KVA Generator

These two system are 100m apart and I know they can complement each other with excess power by sharing it between each other via an AC cable acting as a 'grid'

Maybe connect output1 of system A to input1 of system B and vice versa. Then both generators to input 2 (separately per respective inverter)

offgrid3 phaseshorepower
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2 Answers
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

Whilst using the output from system A to the grid input of system B, you only need to set up system B to export excess power back to system A. You should NOT make a loop by trying to feed the grid of system A from the output of B.

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hdp avatar image hdp commented ·
Thanks Mike, It makes sense, then you also just need 1 cable
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hdp avatar image hdp commented ·

Would it be possible for system B to charge system A? (It will only feed back the output load)

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hdp avatar image
hdp answered ·

1649344103524.png (54.0 KiB)
2-systems-model.pdf (93.1 KiB)
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hdp avatar image hdp commented ·
How could system B charge system A?
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