
rainerb avatar image
rainerb asked

VEConfigure "Charge efficiency" setting

Hello community.

as there is no help topic in the VE Configure 3 software about the "Charge efficiency" setting, I would like to ask what value I should enter for my system?

I have a Multiplus 24/3000, Venus GX, an AC coupled Fronius Galvo inverter and a MPPT 100/50 at the DC side. Both are charging an Exide Sonnenschein A602/750 battery bank with about 1400Ah.

Currently I entered 0.90 but I am curious, so what is the exact effect of this setting? Should I change it?

Thank you for your help.


chargerVEConfigure 3
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3 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

The charge efficiency effect is that if you set it to 90% then that ruffly means that when you add 100 amps of charge in but the battery only takes up 90 amps of the 100, the other 10% is lost as heat, This effects the amount of amps thats add to the SOC

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rainerb avatar image
rainerb answered ·

Thank you for your reply.

So that I do not misunderstand it, is this the charge efficiency of the batteries itself or the efficiency of the charging system (AC to DC conversion of the Multi, DC to DC of the MPPT).

With my charging currents, I do not think that my batteries have a loss of 10%.

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Paul B avatar image Paul B commented ·

Its the batteries, so set to the correct level for your batteries

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boekel avatar image
boekel answered ·

It is in the 'battery monitor' section so that gives away that it has to do with that, it is for the internal battery monitor of the Multi.

If you don't have an external battery monitor you can use it, it is not very accurate.

And you'd wish your batteries were 90% efficient, maybe on a full charge and slow discharge, but when you only use the top 80-90% of SOC than efficiency goes down to way below 80%

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rainerb avatar image rainerb commented ·

Yes I know the Multiplus battery monitor for years. I changed my batteries so I questioned the settings.

Due to life time reasons, I am using the 2V Gel cells only in a SoC range from 70% to 100%. I think I will lower the 0.90 setting.

Thank you all for your help.

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Related Resources

VEConfigure manual

VEConfig alternative method for VE.Bus using VictronConnect


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