I've got a Fronius Symo 6.0-3-M with a Fronius Smartmeter up and running for more than a year now and I want to extend it with a Lead-Acid battery and the Victron Multiplus II 48/3000 GX.
The Fronius is connected to AC-in of the Multiplus II and there is no need to limit the feed-in power to the grid.
Is it possible, that the Fronius tells the Victron how much power is going to/from the grid to charge/discharge the battery accordingly so that (if SOC is in range) the powerflow to/from the house is ~zero ?
I've already asked Fronius and they answered it is possible, because they communicate via SolarAPI:
(Link to commets)
Nevertheless it was not possible for me to get the Multiplus II to work properly.
It always shows the Alarm: AC-Input: Not available
I connected both to the same Wifi and the Victron already found the Fronius Symo, but it only receives the produced power by the PV-Inverter and the AC-input is not seen for the Multiplus II.
Victron VRM-Portal:
Fronius Solarweb:
Is this even possible or do I need to install an extra energy-meter compatible with the Victron Multiplus II?
If it is possible, what configurations do I need to set?
Thank you in advance,