
eastindy avatar image
eastindy asked

Orion 12/12-30 and 7-pin connection.

I have installed the isolated Orion in my trailer.

The output is currently connected to the same +12v and ground buss bars as the +12v and ground from the truck to trailer wiring.

The input is coming from a new Anderson type connection between the truck and trailer.

Do I need to disconnect the 12v connection from the 7-pin connector?

I have connected and tested the Anderson and the Orion but not while the 7 pin is connected.

Avoiding feedback while not otherwise shooting my self in the foot is the goal here.

This project included replacing the SLA battery that came with the trailer, with a new LiFePo battery. Therefore, the need to upgrade the charging system. (Yes, I also replaced the original converter with one appropriate to the battery as well)

Thank you in advance.

orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

You need to check. The 7 pin plug will drive trailer lights/indicators/brake lights, but they should have their own positive circuits. These circuits must remain. Check if they're connected to the 12V positive feed or not. Should not be.

In essence the positive for the LiFePo battery must not be connected to the same positive as any of the equipment wired to the truck/starter batteries.

So treat as two systems - Truck + trailer outside lights. Trailer LiFePo. The negatives should be connected. And there needs to be a Positive connection from the truck system to the Orion input.

Good way to check for any other positive dependencies in the trailer is to disconnect the positive feed and see what stops working. Should not be anything affected. If there are any, treat on a case by case basis.

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eastindy avatar image eastindy commented ·

Thank you for your help.

I will have to find where exactly that 12v from the 7-pin comes in.

I had thought about using a diode or two to prevent voltage from feeding back to the truck. I think that would work but, not knowing the details of the Orion circuitry, I’m not sure it would.

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arghhh40k avatar image
arghhh40k answered ·

Depending who makes your trailer the 7 pin connector 12v+ may feed the trailer brakes if they are electronic. Some will power it off the house battery which is usually charged from pin 4.

kevgermany makes a good point to test. Remove pin 4 12v+ aux from the truck or trailer side and test all functions. If everything works leave it disconnected and use your output and anderson connector to charge/power the trailer from the truck.

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