
goodoz avatar image
goodoz asked

100/30 just quit working

I have a new (out of warranty) 100/30 that I had connected to 3 200W panels which were in series...VOC of the array was 72.9...mild temps/upper 50s/lower 60s F. Connected to battery first, then PV. All was working fine for three days. Tonight I got home and checked the bank's took a pretty good charge today (35% increase SOC on 200AH). Tonight I went to log into the controller to see Kw produced and it wasn't in the pick list of components in V Connect. When I looked closer, it was no longer powered BT flashing light. A volt meter inserted into the battery terminal connectors (with the cables connected to the battery) shows 1.8 volts. The cables, themselves, connected to the battery show 13.2V. Is there a fuse that could have blown?

MPPT Controllers
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9 Answers
seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

A volt meter inserted into the battery terminal connectors (with the cables connected to the battery) shows 1.8 volts.

Check the wires, fuse, connections, terminal crimping for everything between the battery and the solar charger.

Also check the battery voltage with nothing connected to it.

Sounds like your charger only works during the day (when it gets power from the PV array).

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goodoz avatar image
goodoz answered ·

Update: The failure was noticed when connected to a 12V lithium battery. I just connected the same controller to a 24V battery and it powered up. Odd. I then returned it to the 12V battery and now it works. Does anyone have a guess about what just happened?

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dwmarine avatar image
dwmarine answered ·

the controller needs to be programmed for either 12 or 24 volts. It is not auto voltage sensing.

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goodoz avatar image
goodoz answered ·

Actually, I believe its power function is auto sensing 12/24V. Its charge parameter is set (was already set) for 12V. As I mentioned, it had already been working the past three days...just stopped all of a sudden.

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klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

It always helps to read the manual.

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goodoz avatar image
goodoz answered ·

@klim8skeptic I have read the manual...including section 9.1 "controller is not operational." If you don't have advice, there's no need to chime in, eh? It's just not helpful.

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
You appear to have the conclusion that the mppt will automatically choose the correct battery voltage every time you switch battery banks?

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goodoz avatar image goodoz klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
Upon powering up the mppt? Yes. For that unit, whether it's connected to a 12V or 24V system (on the battery terminals of the mppt), it "should" power up. As for selecting 12V or 24V, that's a charging parameter that cannot be set (via bluetooth) unless first powered up.
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goodoz avatar image
goodoz answered ·

@seb71 I checked all of that...all good. Is it possible that I have a 100/30 that only works during daylight PV? This controller is a new add (it's one of four currently in service). I was unaware that a Victron SCC could be set up this way...then again, why do you think it might start doing this after three days of normal operation? It's working now...all powered up, all PV (it's dark). This is why I'm scratching my head. Thanks.

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seb71 avatar image seb71 commented ·

It is not a setting.

Maybe you had a bad connection somewhere (most likely at the solar charger battery terminals).

If it happens again, measure the voltage at the solar charger battery terminals and if it is again 1.8V (or something like that), take out the wires from the solar charger battery terminals and measure the voltage between them them while not connected ("in the air"). Be careful not to short them.

Do you have a fuse or a circuit breaker between the solar charger and the battery (or busbar, if you have a busbar)?

Also test if the solar charger still works (if it remains on) if you disconnect the PV array (or during the night).

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

All MPPTs work off daylight PV.

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goodoz avatar image
goodoz answered ·

No fuses or bus bar. This SCC is a portable that I [plan to] move around to charge other batts that aren't part of something permanent (my old AGMs). The termination is one side into the batt terminals and alligator clamps on the other side...meant for moving around and charging various "other" batteries. The PV terminals have 6" leads with MC4 connectors that can tap into one of two different arrays.

I am using ferrule connectors going into the battery terminals on the SCC. Maybe that's the problem? If it happens again, I'll try removing those and just punch down on the bare copper wire (8 ga). Thanks again.

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seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

No fuses

Not good. All positive wires connected to a battery must be protected by a fuse.

alligator clamps

These might have been the cause of your problem.

I am using ferrule connectors going into the battery terminals on the SCC. Maybe that's the problem?

If crimped correctly, unlikelly to be the cause. But maybe first time you accidentally tightened the solar charger battery terminals partially on the plastic part of the ferrule?


Side note:

You should use the largest wires which fit in the solar charger battery terminals (AWG 6 / 16 mm2). AWG 6 wire it is not even that expensive (at least for short lengths; it's not like you need a mile of wire in this case).

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