
Minas Papageorgiou avatar image
Minas Papageorgiou asked

Multiplus Compact not charging on new bank while showing it does

I just connected for charge my new battery bank to the multi but nothing is happening.

My bank is 12X 2v 605Ah SOPzS that require 30v abs, 28.8 float. The 2 multis I have are Multiplus Compact 24/2000 50ah. (old ones, in their original packaging since 2012).

Prior to connection I checked all the cells individually, each had exactly 2.05v. When patched all together, I measured exactly 24.6. I set the dip switch 30v and switched on the charger.

The charger led is lit permanently, but the charger is not drawing current from AC, I only see 15w drawn from my smart plug..measuring the poles on the bank I see 28.9v when connected. 7h later still the meter did not show any more current drawn. switched off charger and measured, still 24.6v...

While the multi does make a "charging" sound when in charge, the batteries are not warming up either, at 20oC as initial.

When disconnecting AC the multi stays on powering from DC, but I have not tried to put any load since I want to charge them before doing so.

Any ideas on what to check? After first attempt I disconnected the temperature sensor. All battery connection srews are well tight.

Update: Today I set again to charger mode. On the poles I measured 30v today, maybe the dip switch settings wanted reboot? After 6h 40min I saw the multi charge led blinking, which means floating? I measured the poles 27.6v. Does this mean the max absorption time (6h? for the 30v setting) elpased and switched to floating?

How is it that the batteries are not charging?

I am waiting the mk3 usb cable next week to check that the dip switch setting are properly applied

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargerbattery chargingbattery
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
@Minas Papageorgiou

Setting up with the dip switches is a bit of an art. You have to set each setting wven the ones you are not using.

Best wait for the mk3 it is significantly easier that way. Then if you still have an issue it can be addressed.

Also get some kind monitoring also makes life easier.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

To add

The dipswitch setting are saved/stored by toggling on of the switches on and off. Check the manual which one.

And I've tried overriding dipswitches with software, even though I reset the unit afterwards, they're not overriding the dip switches.

As Alexandra said, it's a bit of an art. I tend to be less charitable.

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