I just connected for charge my new battery bank to the multi but nothing is happening.
My bank is 12X 2v 605Ah SOPzS that require 30v abs, 28.8 float. The 2 multis I have are Multiplus Compact 24/2000 50ah. (old ones, in their original packaging since 2012).
Prior to connection I checked all the cells individually, each had exactly 2.05v. When patched all together, I measured exactly 24.6. I set the dip switch 30v and switched on the charger.
The charger led is lit permanently, but the charger is not drawing current from AC, I only see 15w drawn from my smart plug..measuring the poles on the bank I see 28.9v when connected. 7h later still the meter did not show any more current drawn. switched off charger and measured, still 24.6v...
While the multi does make a "charging" sound when in charge, the batteries are not warming up either, at 20oC as initial.
When disconnecting AC the multi stays on powering from DC, but I have not tried to put any load since I want to charge them before doing so.
Any ideas on what to check? After first attempt I disconnected the temperature sensor. All battery connection srews are well tight.
Update: Today I set again to charger mode. On the poles I measured 30v today, maybe the dip switch settings wanted reboot? After 6h 40min I saw the multi charge led blinking, which means floating? I measured the poles 27.6v. Does this mean the max absorption time (6h? for the 30v setting) elpased and switched to floating?
How is it that the batteries are not charging?
I am waiting the mk3 usb cable next week to check that the dip switch setting are properly applied