
terrydew avatar image
terrydew asked

Cerbo GX with a Blue Solar MPPT 150 35

I have a Cerbo GX with a Blue Solar MPPT 150 35 connected via a VE Direct cable. When I connect to the Cerbo GX using Bluetooth I can only see the Cerbo GX and cannot see the MPPT. When I connect to the VRM Portal I can see the MPPT information. Shouldn’t I be able to see this with Bluetooth also? It is installed in an RV and sometimes am in places with no internet.

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
Thierry Cortassa (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Thierry Cortassa (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·


it's normal, the blue solar MPPT have no bluetooth, it's the smart solar witch have it.

if you want to have bluetooth conection, you need to had a vedirect bluetooth dongle !

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terrydew avatar image terrydew commented ·
If I get the display for the Cerbo GX will it show the MPPT?
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

The Bluetooth connection of the Cerbo is only for for network settings.

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