
pulsar73 avatar image
pulsar73 asked

Battery at 40% Absorpton voltage reached MPPT 100/30

4 solar Panels Q Cell 390 W each one, 2 in parallel x 2 in Parallel and then in Serial. My battery is only 40% charged and the MPPT is already in Absorption mode battery is 24v 310 Ah. It charges very slowly. Why is the Battery voltage high when it is only 40% charged.

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Where do you get the 40% from? The battery level will synchronise if you're using a victron BMV and have the parameters correctly configured.

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pulsar73 avatar image pulsar73 commented ·
From my Battery monitor and the Bluetoooth BMS
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