
sinai-starink avatar image
sinai-starink asked

Power off, Phoenix Inverter flashes red and green light once, then nothing

The converter is in my campervan and lately the power has gone off a couple times, would be fine after turning the inverter off and on. Now when I turn it on again it shows the green and the red light at the same time, just once and short. Then nothing. In the manual these lights aren't explained in the troubleshooting. What does it mean?

Phoenix Inverter
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bmgd avatar image bmgd commented ·

Any resolution to this? Got the same single flash from both Power (green) and Alarm (red) together on a Phoenix 12/800 and would like to know what's wrong?

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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Sinai Starink

Not sure what model Phoenix you have. If it is the ve direct you can use a ve direct to Bluetooth for comms and the connect app will tell you what is going on, it will also allow you to make the right settings for your system.

On my little 12/800 I switched of dynamic cut off and this helped with unexpected shut downs.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Victron toolkit app(free download) has LED decodes for many models.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

@Sinai Starink

Just to add on, If it it the 800 to 1200


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