
siegfried-meier avatar image
siegfried-meier asked

Orion-Tr DC-DC Non-Isolated Factory Reset?

Hey all! We just installed our 30a DC charger for the first time and it was showing up perfectly. When I started the engine, the BlueTooth app showed it was going into some sort of low voltage mode, it blew the fuse under the driver seat of our Sprinter and now the unit won't connect to BT again...I've replaced the fuse twice now, but for some reason the unit won't turn on. Is there a hardware factory reset to get it working again or did something go wrong?

orion-tr smart
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
@Siegfried Meier

If fuses are popping something major is afoot.

Best to take it back to where you purchased it from and get them to diagnose what is going on. You will probably need to explain your setup with photos as well.

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siegfried-meier avatar image siegfried-meier Alexandra ♦ commented ·
OK, the terminal under the Sprinter drivers seat is only it appears I need to be connecting directly to the battery under the floor. How has everyone else connected these 30a Orion chargers to their Sprinters?
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1 Answer
jeroend avatar image
jeroend answered ·

Does the Sprinter have a 24V car battery? If yes then 30A fuse should be enough. If the Sprinter has a 12V car battery then a 60A fuse should be used.

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