
phillip-buttolph avatar image
phillip-buttolph asked

MPPT 100/30 "Load Output" Settings...What does "Battery Life" do?

What determines which "Load Output" setting on a MPPT 100/30 is selected? Specifically what does the "Battery Life" accomplish and does it require entering charging values?

MPPT SmartSolar
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4 Answers
rickp avatar image
rickp answered ·

From the manual:

BatteryLife algorithm:

This is a self adapting algorithm to maximize life of the battery. For more information see chapter BatteryLife.

I didn’t see a “BatteryLife Chapter” in the manual, though. My understanding is that it is an algorithm that monitors your system and adapts the settings within a range to those most likely to extend your battery service life. I’m not certain if it needs settings, or creates them based on your settings entered elsewhere. It will continue to adjust settings based on the algorithm during use.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

From the manual:

Battery Life: intelligent battery management When a solar charge controller is not able to recharge the battery to its full capacity within one day, the result is often that the battery will continually be cycled between a ‘partially charged’ state and the ‘end of discharge’ state. This mode of operation (no regular full recharge) will destroy a lead-acid battery within weeks or months. The Battery Life algorithm will monitor the state of charge of the battery and, if needed, day by day slightly increase the load disconnect level (i.e. disconnect the load earlier) until the harvested solar energy is sufficient to recharge the battery to nearly the full 100%. From that point onwards the load disconnect level will be modulated so that a nearly 100% recharge is achieved about once every week.

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rslifkin avatar image
rslifkin answered ·

The MPPT 100/30 doesn't have a load output.

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phillip-buttolph avatar image phillip-buttolph commented ·

Well, be that as it has a setting for it and in my MPPT I have selected "Battery Life" in lieu of the other choices...but what exactly does this setting accomplish and HOW does it do it? Yes, it refers user to "Battery Life Chapter" in manual but that chapter does not exist; or at least I could not find it...

Also how does an MPPT "monitor SOC"? 712 does keep track of the SOC with a shunt, and honestly, not all that well. I have a BB 100Ah Li battery.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ phillip-buttolph commented ·

Since the 100/30 don't have a load output that setting does nothing.

If you still want to know what that setting does look in the manual of the smaller MPPT that have a load output.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Mppt works on battery voltage. You can configure this in the settings,

For solar, the 712 needs to be configured so the 100% is just below the absorption voltage, also tail current set lower. Then you get good readings.

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