
bitcrusher avatar image
bitcrusher asked

Set AC limit to zero (passthrough) with GX touch

Why is there no possibility to set AC input limit of the Multi to zero (passthrough) via gx touch (cerbo with „RV screen“)?

With the older Multi control panel it was easy to turn the limit down to 0.

Please put this feature in with the next update!!!

cerbo gx
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4 Answers
harold avatar image
harold answered ·

It is still there:

Here it is set to 16A

1633434064275.png (24.0 KiB)
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mrhappy avatar image
mrhappy answered ·

1. To lower AC input limit to zero, PowerAssist have to be off, see this thread:

2. A zero AC input limit is not passthrough, there would be no current allowed to pass through if the limit would be zero. Passthrough is achieved by disabling the charger and accept AC input with a limit higher than zero.

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bitcrusher avatar image
bitcrusher answered ·

Thank you!

What I am searching for, is a simple way to switch the charger in the Multiplus off, while I am connected to shore power. But AC input be forwarded to AC output.

I can do this via VE.Bus connection (with laptop and MK3 interface), but this is too cumbersome, to do it every time.

Is there a simple way to bring my setup in "passthrough" mode, without loading the battery?

my RV setup: multiplus, BMV connected to cerbo.

Tank you!

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

Easiest is a bypass / changover switch.

There is an option with input current control assistant, with an input on the aux relay but it disabled ruled by remote and few other useful features. You can play with the idea in fake target mode in ve config, or with one of your own saved configs.

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dolis avatar image dolis commented ·

That´s true, but is there an option to do it without ac lost for the outputs? Because transfer switch has some minimal delay. So i thinking about way like: tell the system to get into passthrough mode and after that use bypass switch type 1-2 (without 1-0-2 mode) and after you do that properly, the system will go from standard mode to the service mode without any loss. Do you think is there some way to tell the multiplus (or quattro) to go to the passthrough mode (useful for that could be some contact athe transfer switch and using a programmable relay). Thaks for your reply. Thomas

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