
cpboshoff avatar image
cpboshoff asked

Mppt Max current behaviour when adding extra panels?

Hi, I have 2 x 250/100 Mppts and each has 4700W of panels connected on a 54.5V battery setup.

I am looking to add 3100w of additional panels to each facing south and east to increase the duration of power.

My question is during mid-day there will be more power available than the 5450W they can handle and I want to know what behaviour to expect. Would it just stick to the max output or will it shut down due to some kind of ower power protection?

Note they are already actively cooled by fans controlled by the relay.

Thanks in advance!

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

The output would stick to the maximum of 100A (5450W).
High temperatures would cause the unit to de-rate, but your active cooling should mitigate this.

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cpboshoff avatar image cpboshoff commented ·
Thanks, that is what I was hoping would be what it does.

WOuld it be a problem to have panels facing different directions on the same Mppt? I assume it would just settle at a voltage that works best but not the best yield out of the panes?

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