
timo-san avatar image
timo-san asked

Does EasySolar 1600/24VDC have diodes on MC4 connections?

637917f4-987d-459b-951b-0e0c26bd555e.jpegThere seems to be some sort of diode on EasySolar 1600 each MC4 input connectors + terminal. Anywhere any specs, what kind of diode there is? If there is a diode, I dont need any separate diodes on PV strings, evem when panels facing different directions?

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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Just open up the front plate ot the EasySolar and you will see all negative and all positive are joint together in the same terminal.

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timo-san avatar image timo-san commented ·

Yes inside, but the connector itself + terminals each have diode markings… you see a little of that marking on my photo? not mentioned by any manuals I have read…

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timo-san avatar image
timo-san answered ·

What does that - STOP! - markings and the —) symbols mean?

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
"Don't disconnect under load"
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