
Dosheimer avatar image
Dosheimer asked

Multiplus 12/3000/50: 400W difference in VRM

Good morning,

I have a multi 12/3000/50 installed on my sailboat. Connected to 230V/16A shore power and loading Smart Lithium 330Ah at 74,3A (no other AC loads connected), the VRM is showing a difference of around 400W between shore power input and consumption (please see sceenshot):


The input of 1428W seems to be correct as this also is shown on my Shelly 1 PM (directly connetced at shore power input).

Any ideas about the 400W? Seems to be quite high for inverter own consumption or is this normal?

screenshot-vrm.jpg (50.3 KiB)
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

You are also useing around 135 watts of DC power. The balance is the loss when charging, due Power Factor usually

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Dosheimer avatar image Dosheimer commented ·

this would mean a loss of 265W (26% of 1005W charging power)

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