
alan-d-1 avatar image
alan-d-1 asked

Can I use 2 Solar controllers in the same system?


I realize that this question was asked and answered a few years back however I am confused by part of the accepted response:

"Any MPPT (or PWM) solar charger, has a limit to how much Wp it can handle, eg. the max Wp of a 100/150 or 100/250 SmartSolar is 5 800Wp.

It also does not have to be the same size MPPT's, or the same size panels.

But make sure that all the panels on a single MPPT, is the same size. You don't want to mix sizes in a single array, as they will all be derated to the smallest panel. Eg, 2 x 150Wp, mixed with 2 x 250Wp in same array, will all be derated to 150Wp. As if you had 4 x 150Wp."

Regarding the underlined part, is there something special about Victron MPPT controllers that do not allow mixed wattage panels in parallel? To be more specific, in my case, I have 3 x 170W (8.6A ea.) and 1 x 100W panels and they are all 12V (the 180s are fractionally lower in V than the 100). I was planning to hook two 170W panels together in series and feed my 200Ah LiFEPO4 battery via a Victron 20A SmartSolar MPPT controller then run the 3rd 170W and the 100W panels together in parallel through a 15 A MPPT to the same battery. Is there any problem with that? What derating would occur?

As a less preferred alternative, can I not hook them all up in parallel and use a 35A controller?

Any help with this would be appreciated,


MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
mrhappy avatar image
mrhappy answered ·

When you put different wattage solar panels in parallel, you will lose a bit of energy due to the imbalance. I'm not wholly sure about the technical details, maybe they feed each other? In your case I would guesstimate you would lose about half an amp from your set of mismatched 100W and 170W panel based on tests I have made. Having only the two alternatives you proposed, I would definitely go with two charge controllers.

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marekp avatar image
marekp answered ·

If you have 2 panels that generate the same voltage, connect them in parallel.

If you have panels that generate the same current connect them in series.

But that is true at max power. Panels that different (170W and 100W) will have different characteristics at the lower power levels so there will be losses.

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