
aslanhobbes avatar image
aslanhobbes asked

How to remove AC Input and Loads from VRM Dashboard?

Is there a way to remove these AC Input and AC Loads from the dashboard as I am not using them? I tried to remove them under Remote Console/System Setup/AC Input=Not Available. However, the setting always reverts back to "Unknown". Am I stuck with these two useless widgets in my case? Thanks in advance.




VRMinput currentdashboard display
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6 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

As far as I know there is no way to hide them.

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rubio13 avatar image
rubio13 answered ·

You can change the AC Input from Grid to Generator. My VRM says N/A and AC Loads is showing because I have a grid meter set as grid.

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tjenkins avatar image
tjenkins answered ·

I have a similar challenge. I have only a DC solution and would like to remove any reference to AC in VRM.

Is this possible at all?

Below are some screen shots



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seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·


You can hide VRM Dashboard elements using the uBlock Origin (ad block browser extension), but this workaround is valid per browser. Also I don't know if this is available for phones.

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james-4 avatar image
james-4 answered ·

I've got this issue also. Please Victron allow us to clean up our dashboards to remove unnecessary elements. Thanks

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kuhnboy avatar image
kuhnboy answered ·

No VRM solution per-se, but in terms of display we are able to clean this up. FYI:

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