
athwaites avatar image
athwaites asked

Multiple (10) Smart Shunts to CerboGX

I'm planning on adding a Victron VRM monitoring system to an existing workboat. It currently has three Skylla-i chargers and 10 (yes 10!) different battery banks. I'd like to see battery information on the 10 banks, plus the Skylla-i info plus Incoming 3-phase from Generator /shorepower on VRM via CerboGX. I can see how to do most of it, but not how to 'Network' 10 smart shunts. This looks like it may be possible with Lynx Shunt VE.CAN but it's too expensive for the project.

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3 Answers
mrhappy avatar image
mrhappy answered ·

If you have the possibility to run cables you could get a big USB hub, plug it into the Cerbo and run VE.Direct cables to the shunts via USB to VE.Direct adaptors. There are limitations for the cable lengths though..

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athwaites avatar image
athwaites answered ·

I might be able to get the Cerbo GX half way between bridge and two engine rooms (catamaran). Do you know if you can transmit the CAN data over wifi or bluetooth to cover some of the distance?

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mrhappy avatar image mrhappy commented ·

I have no idea, there are surely others around here who do. Meanwhile; how long are the distances you need to cover?

And - maybe you will find this thread helpful:

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steve-5 avatar image
steve-5 answered ·


how did you solve this? I have a similar project, not quite as big but not the typical. Thx.

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