
craftconversions avatar image
craftconversions asked

Multiplus Ground relay position when the unit is off?

We have a Multiplus 12/1600 in a campervan conversion, the van requires some welding. I know that if there is no AC input the ground relay is open, but I cant find a definitive answer on what the relay is doing when the Multi is switched off but still connected to the leisure batteries?

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3 Answers
netrange avatar image
netrange answered ·

Simply disconnect ALL Connections to Multi, Battery and any Electrical Components before Welding ...

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craftconversions avatar image
craftconversions answered ·

Yes, we can ask a welder to switch of a switch or rotate an isolator but not necessarily remove a chassis bond from a complex setup. Hence the question on the relay position.

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wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Ground relay opens when MultiPlus switched off, even if still connected to the battery.

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