
eregister avatar image
eregister asked

No MAINS light

I am at an RV park and I have 2-Multiplus units, one for each leg. L1 is working fine, L2 has no MAINS light. However, there is 120Vac on Input as well as on the output. I'm assuming the L2 inverter is rejecting, perhaps as if that leg is not on a separate phase. Is there anyway to troubleshoot this condition or a log I can see why it's rejecting the AC input?

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1 Answer
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

I thought if there was a mains issue, BOTH units would reject it. But I could be wrong.

If you have an MK3 USB adapter, VictronConnect MAY provide you with more information. VEConfig probably will shore more info.

Are the two Multis programmed for split-phase (2 legs of 120 volts, 240 between them)?

If so, measure between L1 and L2. If there's 0 volts, then your shore power is single phase and it will be rejected.

If you measure 208 between the two legs, then you are getting 2 legs of a 3 phase service. Your Multis can accept this if programmed for L2 floating phase.

VictronConnect can program a pair of inverters for floating phase as long as you aren't using Virtual Switch or Assistants (a few other restrictions also). It's called 180 Auto.

VE Bus Quick Configure also allows this configuration, then switches to VEConfig.

For more complex systems you'd need to use VE Bus System Configure, then switch to VEConfig.

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eregister avatar image eregister commented ·
I am programmed for split-phase. Thanks for the info I will do some measuring and see what's up.
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eregister avatar image eregister commented ·
I have measured and between L1 and L2 I have 210v, so I assume it is 208 and I am getting 2 legs of a 3 phase service. If I program for L2 floating phase and I get to a different RV park where I have 240V between legs will I have to re-program to disable L2 floating or will it still operate OK with 240V between legs? Also will this have an impact if I am at a park where I only have 30Amp service with L1 at 120 and L2 at 0?
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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem eregister commented ·

Floating phase will work with 180, 120 or 240 degrees between phases without reprogramming.

Unfortunately, 0 degrees between phases won't work. You'd have to rewire and reprogram for parallel operation for this to work. The only workaround seems to be a autotransformer to convert single phase shore power to 120/240 split-phase.

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