
jokani avatar image
jokani asked

Multiplus voltage & temp sense wires

Do I need to connect/install the Multiplus voltage sense & temp wires if I have a SmartShunt fitted?

I'm presuming the SmartShunt will report the voltage & temp, and distribute via Ve. Bus. and the Multiplus would get the info this way?

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4 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

If you have a GX device, the multi can use the Smart Shunts voltage and temp data.

Please refer to the CCGX manual, and brush up on DVCC.

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jokani avatar image
jokani answered ·

Bump, please help.

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jokani avatar image
jokani answered ·

Will do, ta for the advice, I did not think I need to connect the extra cables, but wanted confirmation from an expert. Thanks.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

The SmartShunt don't have a VE.Bus and the MultiPlus don't have
So they can't communicate with each other. You need a GX device for that.

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