
PeterM avatar image
PeterM asked

Multiplus 1 Charge voltage error of 0.4V

Since new my Multiplus 1 48V - 5000 has a charge voltage error of 0.42 V ( low ) . Now this is normally not a problem , but I am considering paralleling another one and if that one is correct will I not have a problem with the sharing of charging load? Can this error be corrected / recalibrated

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4 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


I note from your profile you have other kit too..

This can't be 'recalibrated', but you can use DVCC to source it elsewhere (BMV say) and share that same V across your whole system.

My own identical Multi was 0.3V out, so you're not alone. I now share V and Amps from a Smartshunt, and Temp from the Multi. It works well..

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PeterM avatar image
PeterM answered ·

Great will try it out

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PeterM avatar image
PeterM answered ·

tried it on my system and max charging current is only 42A on a 5000-100/ 70 Multiplus . Disabled all limiting on venus and set limit to 70 A on VeConfig. Bit annoying - Shall I specify a limit of 100 A or so ?

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·

Not sure. There's a current limit in DVCC you can turn off..

But if you find having DVCC enabled is causing unwanted limiting, please try to nail it down. I see some strangeness with one of my generators, but always assumed it was the generator..

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PeterM avatar image PeterM JohnC ♦ commented ·
All current limits were set to off. Will do more testing tomorrow when Sun is expected in full swing. Just a query does it still do the normal float/ absorb cycle however subject to the max voltage level you set in the DVCC menu?
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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ PeterM commented ·
I think the V limit is a CAN thing, but I left it off anyway. I find the charge algorithm unchanged, but now I have no concerns that the V's might differ over various kit.
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PeterM avatar image
PeterM answered ·

Voltage limit does not seem to do anything , current limit however works . The reason for the current limit previously kicking in was that now with SVS the true voltage was approaching the programmed absorbtion voltage. I now need to reprogram the charger voltage to reflect true voltage and not adjusted voltages ( by 0.4V ) programmed into Multi

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