I just received a brand new Victron Energy Blue Smart IP22 Charger 12/30(3) purchased from Amazon. I already own the Victron, smart solar charge controller with built-in Bluetooth.
I switched the charger on and paired it via bluetooth to my Samsung S20 - no problems there. When connected to the charger I was prompted to update the firmware, I had a very solid internet connection and the update process started, reached about 8% and failed with an X88 error. I tried many times to update the firmware with the same failure. Now when I switch the charger on I get fast alternate flashing red LEDs. I'm still able to connect to the charger and it now says - update firmware from none to 3.4 however, I get the same failures!
I'm about to repackage and return the item for a refund unless I get a solution to my issue.