
hjazeeri avatar image
hjazeeri asked

How to force more bulk charging in day time?

I have 2 Hollandia carbon batteries HP 12-200CA connected as 24v, during the day i have about 1100 watts from PV and the load is about 600 watts but since the Victron 150/60 MPPT goes into bulk early morning when the PV watts still low it does not seems to go full charge even with zero load on inverter for couple of days the batteries SOC still below 30%. My smartshunt and MPPT battery setting attached below



mppt charging
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
Perhaps you could share a screenshot of the mppt's history?
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hjazeeri avatar image hjazeeri klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

This is an old image i took


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mppthistory.png (118.7 KiB)
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Do you see a current flow into the battery if the MPPT is charging with no load?

My guess is that the negative of MPPT is connected to the wrong side of the BMV shunt.

btw. the "charged voltage" setting is higher than the absorption voltage of the MPPT, it should be lower.

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hjazeeri avatar image hjazeeri commented ·

Do you see a current flow into the battery if the MPPT is charging with no load? Yes and at times i have seen as high as 400 watts

My guess is that the negative of MPPT is connected to the wrong side of the BMV shunt. Its correctly connected, there is some writings on the smartshunt to state which side goes to battery and which goes to load

btw. the "charged voltage" setting is higher than the absorption voltage of the MPPT, it should be lower. You are right, i have increased it recently to see if it can help i will lower it back, actually i think the equalizing voltage is high but could not find the right setting for my battery

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