I have a 3-phase Multiplus II system with BYD batteries & AC coupled Solaredge with some DC coupled PV for black-start scenarios.
I use frequency shifting to control the Solaredge production. I can see the Solaredge ramp up/down according to the frequency changes.
I also use DVCC->Limit Charge Current to slowly charge the batteries each day and maximise the usage of the DC PV (it does not export). If I turn off the charge limiting, the Multiplus II's work hard, spin up their fans which can be heard inside the house so I want to keep it on.
If I drop the grid to the system, the Limit Charge Current setting seems to interfere with the frequency shifting to the point where the battery discharges rather than increase the AC coupled production to cover the load.
Limit charge current set to 50A, Victron setting the frequency to 50.9Hz:
Limit charge current turned off, Victron setting the frequency to 49.9Hz
Does anyone have any ideas?