we manufacture motorhomes.
it would be good, if cerbo by default would connect to any unsecured networks, or a few networks by default. if it had the ssid and passwords saved.
for eg, we currently use something you will never forget for one of our ssid`s in the workshop so we can preload cerbo`s if the customers wifi ever fails, we can send them a hotspot dongle with "ChickenNuggets" and password qwertyuiop
ssid is case sensetive from what i read, but there is no more brains behind that.
if we all had "chickenNuggets" as our ssid and the same password, we would have access to wifi wherever we went :)
is it possible to have something like this loaded in? perhaps in the next firmware update a bunch of common ssid`s and passwords preloaded?
even i think, starlink would be a common one right?
or the ability to make it connect to any unsecured network?
is there a security risk im not aware of?
-Matt from Australia.