
bitcrusher avatar image
bitcrusher suggested

Inclinometer for cerbo

Is there an inclinometer available (for RV or boats) that can be used (and monitored) with the VenusOS?

Perhaps like simarine has:

cerbo gx
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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) commented

Ruuvi sensor can provide acceleration for all 3 axes. So you can use it for this purpose if you want.

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bitcrusher avatar image bitcrusher commented ·
Ah, ok

But there isn‘t a GUI to show it on the cerbo?

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Gregory Cavanagh avatar image
Gregory Cavanagh commented

Would like this feature on Victron as its one if not the only thing missing that the simarine has.

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ak68 avatar image
ak68 commented

There is a nice Inclinometer from WitMotion:
WT901BLECL mit einem MPU9250 und BT 5.0 LE

It would be great, if VICTRON could implement it like Mopeka or Ruuvi :)

I olso tried to connect by RS485- without success until now dirctly by Serial:
but: there is a plugin for signalk: signalk-hwt901b-imu-plus (I´m in testing ...)

The last possibility, if all other doesn´t work (with 2 inputs of Tank 140):

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