import QtQuick 1.1 import com.victron.velib 1.0 import "utils.js" as Utils OverviewPage { id: root property variant sys: theSystem property string bindPrefix: "com.victronenergy.settings" property string settingsPrefix: "com.victronenergy.settings" property string systemPrefix: "com.victronenergy.system" property VBusItem _systemState: VBusItem { bind: Utils.path(systemPrefix, "/SystemState/State") } property bool hasSystemState: _systemState.valid title: qsTr("Tiles") Column { Row { height: 136 Tile { width: 150 height: parent.height title: qsTr("BATTERY") values: [ TileText { text: sys.battery.soc.absFormat(0) font.pixelSize: 45 }, TileText { text: { if (!sys.battery.state.valid) return "---" switch(sys.battery.state.value) { case sys.batteryStateIdle: return qsTr("idle") case sys.batteryStateCharging : return qsTr("charging") case sys.batteryStateDischarging : return qsTr("discharging") } } }, TileText { text: sys.battery.power.absFormat(0) }, TileText { text: sys.battery.voltage.format(1) + " " + sys.battery.current.format(1) } ] } Tile { id: hubTile width: 180 height: parent.height title: qsTr("SYSTEM") color: "#73c27d" VBusItem{ id: systemName bind: Utils.path(settingsPrefix, "/Settings/SystemSetup/SystemName") } values: [ TileText { text: systemName.valid && systemName.value !== "" ? systemName.value : sys.systemType.valid ? sys.systemType.value.toUpperCase() : "" font.pixelSize: text.length > 5 ? text.length > 16 ? 20 : 30 : 45 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap width: systemTile.width }, TileText { text: systemState.text font.pixelSize: sys.systemType.valid ? 20 : 24 SystemState { id: systemState bind: hasSystemState?Utils.path(systemPrefix, "/SystemState/State"):Utils.path(sys.vebusPrefix, "/State") } }, TileText { text: systemReason.text font.pixelSize: 16 SystemReason { id: systemReason } } ] } Tile { id: stateTile property variant activeNotifications: NotificationCenter.notifications.filter(function isActive(obj) { return} ) function notificationText() { if (activeNotifications.length === 0) return qsTr("no alarms") var descr = [] for (var n = 0; n < activeNotifications.length; n++) { var notification = activeNotifications[n]; var text = notification.serviceName + " - " + notification.description; if (notification.value !== "" ) text += ": " + notification.value descr.push(text) } return descr.join(" | ") } width: 150 height: parent.height title: qsTr("STATUS") color: "#4789d0" Timer { id: wallClock running: true repeat: true interval: 1000 triggeredOnStart: true onTriggered: time = Qt.formatDateTime(new Date(), "hh:mm") property string time } values: [ TileText { id: systemTile text: wallClock.time font.pixelSize: 45 }, Marquee { text: stateTile.notificationText() width: stateTile.width interval: 100 fontSize: 13 }, MbIcon { iconId: "icon-statusbar-warning" anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; visible: stateTile.activeNotifications.length > 0 TileText { id: totalAlarmsText text: stateTile.activeNotifications.length font.pixelSize: 13 anchors.left: parent.right; anchors.bottom: parent.bottom; anchors.bottomMargin: -3 } } ] } } ListView { id: bottomRow height: 136 width: 480 orientation: ListView.Horizontal snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItem focus: clip: true // Try to keep the selected index at the left. This fails when // there is not more data at the right to move.. onCurrentIndexChanged: positionViewAtIndex(currentIndex, ListView.Beginning) model: VisualItemModel { TileAcPower { width: 160 height: bottomRow.height title: qsTr("AC INPUT") color: "#82acde" connection: sys.acInput } TileAcPower { width: 160 height: bottomRow.height title: qsTr("AC LOADS") color: "#e68e8a" connection: sys.acLoad } Tile { width: 160 height: bottomRow.height title: qsTr("PV CHARGER") color: "#2cc36b" show: sys.pvCharger.power.valid values: [ TileText { font.pixelSize: 30 text: sys.pvCharger.power.uiText } ] } TileAcPower { width: 160 height: bottomRow.height title: qsTr("PV INVERTER") color: "#e74c3c" connection: sys.pvOnAcIn1 show: connection.powerL1.valid } TileAcPower { width: 160 height: bottomRow.height title: qsTr("PV INVERTER") color: "#e74c3c" connection: sys.pvOnAcIn2 show: connection.powerL1.valid } TileAcPower { width: 160 height: bottomRow.height title: qsTr("PV INVERTER") color: "#e74c3c" connection: sys.pvOnAcOut show: connection.powerL1.valid } Tile { width: 160 height: bottomRow.height title: qsTr("DC SYSTEM") color: "#16a085" show: sys.dcSystem.power.valid && hasDcSys.value === 1 VBusItem { id: hasDcSys bind: "com.victronenergy.settings/Settings/SystemSetup/HasDcSystem" } values: [ TileText { font.pixelSize: 30 text: sys.dcSystem.power.format(0) }, TileText { text: !sys.dcSystem.power.valid ? "---" : sys.dcSystem.power.value < 0 ? qsTr("to battery") : qsTr("from battery") } ] } Tile { id: Switching width: 160 height: bottomRow.height editable: true readOnly: false color: "#538ed7" border.width: 2 border.color: "#fff" } MbSwitch { id: manualSwitch1 name: qsTr("L/L") bind: "com.victronenergy.system/Relay/1/State" show: hasRelay1 } MouseArea { id: SwitchingMouseArea property bool containsPressed: containsMouse && pressed anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { buttonIndex = 1 parent.edit() } } } } } }