import QtQuick 1.1 import "utils.js" as Utils OverviewPage { id: root property variant sys: theSystem property bool hasAcSolarOnAcIn1: sys.pvOnAcIn1.power.valid property bool hasAcSolarOnAcIn2: sys.pvOnAcIn2.power.valid property bool hasAcSolarOnIn: hasAcSolarOnAcIn1 || hasAcSolarOnAcIn2 property bool hasAcSolarOnOut: sys.pvOnAcOut.power.valid property bool hasAcSolar: hasAcSolarOnIn || hasAcSolarOnOut property bool hasDcSolar: sys.pvCharger.power.valid property bool hasDcAndAcSolar: hasAcSolar && hasDcSolar title: qsTr("Overview") OverviewBox { id: acInBox width: 148 height: showStatusBar ? 100 : 120 title: getAcSourceName(sys.acSource) titleColor: "#E74c3c" color: "#C0392B" anchors { top: left: parent.left; leftMargin: 10 } values: OverviewAcValues { connection: sys.acInput } MbIcon { iconId: getAcSourceIcon(sys.acSource) anchors { bottom: parent.bottom left: parent.left; leftMargin: 2 } opacity: 0.5 } } Multi { id: multi anchors { horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter top:; topMargin: 5 } } OverviewBox { id: acLoadBox title: qsTr("AC Loads") color: "#27AE60" titleColor: "#2ECC71" width: 148 height: showStatusBar ? 100 : 120 anchors { right: parent.right; rightMargin: 10 top: } values: OverviewAcValues { connection: sys.acLoad } } Battery { id: battery VBusItem { id: maxCellVoltage; bind: "com.victronenergy.battery.ttyUSB0/System/MaxCellVoltage" } VBusItem { id: minCellVoltage; bind: "com.victronenergy.battery.ttyUSB0/System/MinCellVoltage" } VBusItem { id: starterVoltage; bind: "com.victronenergy.battery.ttyUSB1/Dc/1/Voltage" } soc: sys.battery.soc.valid ? sys.battery.soc.value : 0 anchors { bottom: parent.bottom; bottomMargin: 5; left: parent.left; leftMargin: 10 } values: Column { width: parent.width TileText { // Use value here instead of format() because format adds the unit to the number and we // show the percentage symbol in a separated smaller text. text: sys.battery.soc.value === undefined ? "--" : sys.battery.soc.value.toFixed(0) font.pixelSize: starterVoltage.valid || (maxCellVoltage.valid && minCellVoltage.valid) ? 32 : 40 Text { anchors { bottom: parent.bottom; bottomMargin: starterVoltage.valid || (maxCellVoltage.valid && minCellVoltage.valid) ? 5 : 9 horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; horizontalCenterOffset: parent.paintedWidth / 2 + 5 } visible: sys.battery.soc.valid text: "%" color: "white" font.bold: true font.pixelSize: 12 } } TileText { text: sys.battery.power.format(0) } TileText { text: sys.battery.voltage.format(1) + " " + sys.battery.current.format(1) } TileText { property variant deviationVoltage: maxCellVoltage.format(3) - minCellVoltage.format(3) text: (deviationVoltage.toFixed(3) * 1000) + "mV (" + starterVoltage.format(1) + "V)" visible: maxCellVoltage.valid && minCellVoltage.valid && starterVoltage.valid } TileText { property variant deviationVoltage: maxCellVoltage.format(3) - minCellVoltage.format(3) text: (deviationVoltage.toFixed(3) * 1000) + "mV" visible: maxCellVoltage.valid && minCellVoltage.valid && !starterVoltage.valid } TileText { text: "(" + starterVoltage.format(1) + "V)" visible: !maxCellVoltage.valid && !minCellVoltage.valid && starterVoltage.valid } } } OverviewBox { id: dcSystemBox width: 105 height: 45 visible: sys.dcSystem.power.valid title: qsTr("DC Power") anchors { horizontalCenter: multi.horizontalCenter bottom: parent.bottom; bottomMargin: 5 } values: TileText { anchors.centerIn: parent text: sys.dcSystem.power.format(0) } } OverviewSolarCharger { id: blueSolarCharger height: hasDcAndAcSolar ? 65 : 114 width: 148 title: qsTr("PV Charger") showChargerIcon: !hasDcAndAcSolar visible: hasDcSolar || hasDcAndAcSolar anchors { right: root.right; rightMargin: 10 bottom: root.bottom; bottomMargin: 5; } values: TileText { y: 5 text: sys.pvCharger.power.format(0) font.pixelSize: 20 } } OverviewSolarInverter { id: pvInverter height: hasDcAndAcSolar ? 65 : 115 width: 148 title: qsTr("PV Inverter") showInverterIcon: !hasDcAndAcSolar visible: hasAcSolar anchors { right: root.right; rightMargin: 10; bottom: root.bottom; bottomMargin: hasDcAndAcSolar ? 75 : 5 } OverviewAcValues { connection: hasAcSolarOnOut ? sys.pvOnAcOut : hasAcSolarOnAcIn1 ? sys.pvOnAcIn1 : sys.pvOnAcIn2 visible: !coupledPvAc.visible } TileText { id: coupledPvAc property double pvInverterOnAcOut: sys.pvOnAcOut.power.valid ? sys.pvOnAcOut.power.value : 0 property double pvInverterOnAcIn1: sys.pvOnAcIn1.power.valid ? sys.pvOnAcIn1.power.value : 0 property double pvInverterOnAcIn2: sys.pvOnAcIn2.power.valid ? sys.pvOnAcIn2.power.value : 0 y: 5 text: (pvInverterOnAcOut + pvInverterOnAcIn1 + pvInverterOnAcIn2).toFixed(0) + "W" font.pixelSize: hasDcAndAcSolar ? 20 : 25 visible: hasDcAndAcSolar || (hasAcSolarOnIn && hasAcSolarOnOut) || (hasAcSolarOnAcIn1 && hasAcSolarOnAcIn2) } } OverviewEssReason { anchors { bottom: parent.bottom; bottomMargin: dcSystemBox.visible ? battery.height + 15 : 5 horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; horizontalCenterOffset: dcSystemBox.visible ? -(root.width / 2 - battery.width / 2 - 10) : 0 } } OverviewConnection { id: acInToMulti ballCount: 2 path: straight active: value: flow(sys.acInput ? sys.acInput.power : 0) anchors { left: acInBox.right; leftMargin: -10; top: multi.verticalCenter; right: multi.left; rightMargin: -10; bottom: multi.verticalCenter } } OverviewConnection { id: multiToAcLoads ballCount: 2 path: straight active: value: flow(sys.acLoad.power) anchors { left: multi.right; leftMargin: -10; top: multi.verticalCenter right: acLoadBox.left; rightMargin: -10 bottom: multi.verticalCenter } } OverviewConnection { id: pvInverterToMulti property int hasDcAndAcFlow: Utils.sign(noNoise(sys.pvOnAcOut.power) + noNoise(sys.pvOnAcIn1.power) + noNoise(sys.pvOnAcIn2.power)) ballCount: 4 path: corner active: && hasAcSolar value: hasDcAndAcSolar ? hasDcAndAcFlow : flow(sys.pvOnAcOut.power) anchors { left: pvInverter.left; leftMargin: 8 top: pvInverter.verticalCenter; topMargin: hasDcAndAcSolar ? 1 : 0 right: multi.horizontalCenter; rightMargin: -20 bottom: multi.bottom; bottomMargin: 10 } } // invisible anchor point to connect the chargers to the battery Item { id: dcConnect anchors { left: multi.horizontalCenter; leftMargin: hasAcSolar ? -20 : 0 bottom:; bottomMargin: 10 } } OverviewConnection { id: multiToDcConnect ballCount: 3 path: straight active: value: -flow(sys.vebusDc.power); startPointVisible: false anchors { left: dcConnect.left top: right: dcConnect.left bottom: multi.bottom; bottomMargin: 10 } } OverviewConnection { id: blueSolarChargerDcConnect ballCount: 3 path: straight active: && hasDcSolar value: -flow(sys.pvCharger.power) startPointVisible: false anchors { left: dcConnect.left top: right: blueSolarCharger.left; rightMargin: -8 bottom:; } } OverviewConnection { id: chargersToBattery ballCount: 3 path: straight active: value: Utils.sign(noNoise(sys.pvCharger.power) + noNoise(sys.vebusDc.power)) startPointVisible: false anchors { left: dcConnect.left top: right: battery.right; rightMargin: 10 bottom: } } OverviewConnection { id: batteryToDcSystem ballCount: 2 path: straight active: && sys.dcSystem.power.valid value: flow(sys.dcSystem.power) anchors { left: battery.right; leftMargin: -10 top: dcSystemBox.verticalCenter; right: dcSystemBox.left; rightMargin: -10 bottom: dcSystemBox.verticalCenter } } }