
trenton avatar image
trenton asked

Looking for the Modbus-TCP register list

as in the title states tried to download it and the emailed link is not valid

Modbus TCP
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2 Answers
shaneyake avatar image
shaneyake answered ·

I have had this problem too, if you right click on the link in the email and click Save Link As, it will download.

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trenton avatar image trenton commented ·
that did it, file downloaded all that to find out that it does not have the info I need to talk to the bmv 712 in Home assistant

Thanks for the help

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shaneyake avatar image shaneyake trenton commented ·
What are you looking for? Maybe I can help.
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wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

The information is there. I used the information from the register list to get my BMV information in to HA.
In my setup, the BMV has VRM instance 289 which corresponds to UnitID 238 from the unit ID mapping tab of the spreadsheet.
Then the registers will be in the range of the "com.victronenergy.battery" from the field list tab. For instance, register 259 is battery Voltage, scale factor is 100.

In HA configuration, I have a separate modbus.yaml file to put the modbus "sensors".
Something like this:


1630248355590.png (33.9 KiB)
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