
thtruck avatar image
thtruck asked

VEFlash Multiplus Serial Number unknown

I want to flash a MP 24/3000/70-16 to the latest firmware and use VE flash for that. In this Victron Youtube the proces is explained but nowhere in that youtube is something about entering a serialnumber in VEFlash.

I've read this link and in there is information about giving serialnumbers to VEFlash.

" Note, When updating to Multi firmware version 4xx Serial numbers where introduced with Multi firmware 4xx. In VEFlash the user is requested to enter the serial number manually.This code has no user interaction. We do not know the update order when multiple Multi's are connected.Therefore the serial number will be generated using the unique target ID Serial number format = tid######## where ##.. is the hexadecimal representation of the unique target ID.Existing serial numbers when updating within the 4xx range will remain unchanged"

I have no idea how to obtain any serialnumber and i see none on my multiplus it self. There are numbers on it starting with PMP2430XXXXX which are 12 characters but VEFlash want a serial with 11 characters.

Below the screen in VEFlash:

Can somebody please explain me how to update my Multiplus? How do i get the wanted serialnumber or tell me where to find it on the device.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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3 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

The serial number is on stickers inside the unit:

Be aware that opening the unit and updating the firmware is the job for someone with technical training. Though Victron does not prevent end-users from it.

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thtruck avatar image thtruck commented ·

Thanx Guy. I do not have that sticker inside. How can i find out what the original serialnumber is? Below a picture of my MP

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mp-24-3000-16.jpg (6.6 MiB)
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Yes, Connect to the Multi in VEConfigure and the serial number should be in the top of the app.

2 |3000

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thtruck avatar image thtruck commented ·

Ah thank you very much Guy. I will try it at once :)

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ thtruck commented ·

If that works, please remember to come back and mark that answer as ACCEPTED :)

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thtruck avatar image thtruck commented ·

Sadly enough not in this case. What now?

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Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hello, if needed you can contact the dealer to have this serial number obtained, (or fil in 11 x 1 or such, that will work as well)

2 |3000

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thtruck avatar image thtruck commented ·

That did the trick Johannes. Multiplus is now updated to the latest firmware.

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thtruck avatar image thtruck commented ·

Thanks Johannes. I thought about that but because it's a delicate process i didn't dare to try it. I will do it next weekend because of no time during the workweek.

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