
ratte49 avatar image
ratte49 asked 4-pin connector on Victron products ? Need name, manufacturer and type

I am new in this forum. Does anybody know the name and type of the 4-pin socket on Victron products ? My problem: I must create an 90 degree angle adapter (plug to socket) to connect the to USB cable. The standard cable does not fit due to less amount of space.

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3 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

Victron sells a VE.Direct cable with an angled connector and a number of lengths 0.3, 0.9, 1.8 etc

VE.Direct Cable 0,3m (one side Right Angle conn)


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wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

JST-PH made by JST

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ratte49 avatar image
ratte49 answered ·

Thanks a lot for your informations ! The VE.Direct angle cable will help. Problem solved !
Many greetings

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