
stephen-vezina avatar image
stephen-vezina asked

Cerbo GX times out after about 1 minute

I have a Cerbo GX for the communication hub for my system. The system includes a Pylontech us3000c battery, bluesolar mppt, and multiplus 2. When I turn in the system for the first time, the cerbo gx turns on like normal, but only stays up for about 2-3 minutes and then seems to power off and will not turn back on. Even if I cycle the completely off and back on, now the cerbo gx will not turn back on.
Any suggestions?

Secondly, does anyone know if the Bluesolar charge setting will remain the same, it is set up on DVCC with the Pylontech battery?

cerbo gx
2 |3000

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ commented ·

I suspect that the battery is switching off due to lack of communication with the CerboGX.

What data cable have you used to connect the battery to the CerboGX and have you used the correct CAN port settings?

Did you maybe miss a step in the setup guide?

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stephen-vezina avatar image stephen-vezina wkirby ♦♦ commented ·
I am using the proper CAN bus cable as in that link. The unit was communicating for a few minutes and it saw the Pylontech battery, mppt, and multiplus. I will review the document again and double check. But I’m positive everything is done correctly.
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Justin Tierney avatar image Justin Tierney commented ·

I had the same issue with mine just a few weeks back. Out of the box it worked fine. Noticed there was a firmware update, so of course I updated it. That is when my issue started. It would randomly shut down and I checked to make sure the reboot setting wasn't set. Once I was finally able to get it to power back on I reverted to the original firmware. Problem went away, strangely enough after about a week or so of it working, I updated the firmware again to the same one as before and haven't had the issue since. Just what I ran into with mine. Good luck.

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stephen-vezina avatar image stephen-vezina Justin Tierney commented ·
Thanks. I’ll check which version of firmware I’m running. What is this reboot setting you speak of?

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