I would like to install an inverter on my boat to use while underway and at anchor so I don't have to run my generator all the time. My boat has a 240v split phase panel. The only appliances running on the 240v side(using both legs) are my A/C units, my clothes dryer, and my water heater. I THINK I can use the Victron Multiplus ii 2x 120v to power the two legs for use with 120v breakers and turn off the 240v breakers while underway but if I'm understanding the Multiplus correctly I would have issues still while on shore power with pass through because of the two phase side of things.
Am I understanding this correctly and one multplus would not work? If I used two would I really need the 2x 120v considering that would make 4 120 volt legs when I only need two and is there a better alternative if I am using two inverters communicating with each other to make split phase?